I really didn't even notice it. I did what the rest of my demographic does and sent message after message to myself comprised of links to various dresses, dressers, books, art shows and articles piquing my interest. I scribbled made-up shorthand in the precious few 'Notes' pages in my planner. I began following a brilliantly down-to-earth and spot-on blogger on her Facebook fan page, checking her posts daily, bookmarking some and clicking 'Like' an obnoxious amount of times. While in the midst of over-commenting on her backlogged photos, I realized, "Hey, I really have a distinct opinion" (to which my husband might laugh; "That's surprising?"). The writer in me wants to tell the world all my thoughts, and the photographer in me marvels at different the many different uses of light and color... and so, this all-things-I-like blog was born.
Here I'll show you anything I classify as art, and any art that stirs some interest in me. I won't always like it, or understand it, but the images I pass on will cause me pause. I encourage discussion ~ be bold and tell me if you agree or not! Pass on what you like! Suggest away!, for this is a study on not only style and design, but how it corrals human interest... or not.
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